Everyday voice users
This includes speakers experiencing difficulties with everyday voice use in their daily tasks (e.g., public speaking in a classroom or having a conversation on the telephone).
Performing voice users
This includes voice users who are experiencing difficulties with their voice for performance use (e.g., singers, theatre actors).
Gender Affirming Voice and Communication Training
This includes individuals who are seeking voice training to develop a voice that matches their gender identity.
Upper Airway Difficulties
This includes individuals who are experiencing breathing difficulties due to paradoxical vocal cord dysfunction, exercise induced laryngeal obstruction, irritable larynx syndrome, and chronic cough.
Neurological Voice
This includes individuals who are experiencing voice difficulties due to another medical diagnosis: Parkinsons, Stroke, and Spasmodic Dysphonia.
Initial assessment will include a comprehensive case history review, audio recording, goal-setting, and trial therapy tasks.
Voice treatment will include varying sound, breath, or voice facilitation techniques to reestablish a voice for everyday tasks. Homework will be provided to continue practice of skills covered in session.
Please Note:
You should consult with an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Specialist for an examination of your throat before beginning voice therapy if you are experiencing persistent problems with your speaking and singing voice. A referral can be made to an ENT by your family doctor. This examination provides valuable information for the therapist before moving forward with voice treatment.